Create a new Google Account |
Your Google Account is more than just Gmail. |
Talk, chat, share, schedule, store, organize, collaborate, discover, and create. Use Google products from Gmail to Google+ to YouTube, view your search history, all with one username and password, all backed up all the time and easy to find at (you guessed it) |
Take it all with you. |
A Google Account lets you access all your stuff — Gmail, photos, and more — from any device. Search by taking pictures, or by voice. Get free turn-by-turn navigation, upload your pictures automatically, and even buy things with your phone using Google Wallet. |
Share a little. Or share a lot. |
Share selectively with friends, family (maybe even your boss) on Google+. Start a video call with friends, send a message to a group all at once, or just follow posts from people who fascinate you. Your call. |
Work in the future. |
Get a jump on the next era of doing, well, everything. Watch as colleagues or partners drop in a photo, update a spreadsheet, or improve a paragraph, in real-time, from 1,000 miles away. Google Docs is free with a Google Account. |